Management / Leadership /office admin /Data Entry / Supply Chain / I.T Support / Specialist In All Positions / Financial
This is a work from home position, and you can work around your own schedule and select your own hours. You must have a cell phone and a computer or tablet, so you can talk and be online at the same time. A desk and quiet location is also recommended.
Manage call center representatives and call performance
Perform call center follow-up
Perform other call center duties
Prepare call center performance reports
Report daily call center stats
Assist with supporting call-center
Selling services to consumers who call the call center
Maintain call center database by entering information on every call
Provide support for call center agents on escalated calls
Provide backup call center management
Plan for call center technologies
Receive inbound calls from customers
Impacting call center performance to management
Lead an exceptional call center team
Manage the daily call center operations
Resolve inbound customer calls regarding account
Maintain call center database by entering information
Define inbound call readiness state
Processing customer transactions in a call center environment
Maintain call center database by recording call outcomes and disposition