Climax LM6200 Portable Linear/Gantry Milling Machine.
S/N 16000072.
New 1/26/2016.
72″ X axis ram travel.
104″ Y axis travel.
8″ Z axis milling head stroke.
120V X and Y axis electric feed with 50 ft cables.
25 HP 460V Hydraulic power unit with 24VDC control.
(2) 3″ risers for X axis ram.
Swivel plate for milling head.
Metal shipping/storage container for full machine.
#50 Taper inch NMTB.
Hydraulic spindle motor, 11.9 cubic inch, 3/4″ keyed drive shaft.
Digital readout for X and Y axis (not currently mounted on machine – new in box). Z axis has digital scale.
(2) 23″ tall x 24″wide x 107.5″ long cast iron bunks.
(1) 9.5″ tall x 66″ wide x 98″ long cast iron T-slot table.
(1) Capto type tool holder, #50 taper.
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