Don’t let your vehicle keep you from going up and down the road. Many hazards and casualties can be avoidable by maintaining your vehicle properly and reminding those close to you to consider doing the same. From bald tires to faulty or poor engine performance, each of these can contribute not only to performance issues but can also impact your vehicle safety on the road as well as for others. Therefore when you need an automotive center that can listen, assist and help you achieve automotive excellence, you may want to consider Garcia’s Wheels & Tires, we have many locations near you and you will feel confident that we can assist with the solutions and servicing for all your automotive needs. We work in sales also of new and used automotive parts, wheels, tires and accessories. If you have an antique vehicle that needs parts or obsolete items, Garcia’s is your lead source for all these automotive restorations and performance expectations. We follow all COVID-19 protocols and work beyond and around with technicians to answer any of your automotive needs to provide you with servicing excellence.