Green Rent is a service company that offers high quality cleaning services and gardening at good prices for companies and individuals in the best environmentally friendly way.
We offer our customers a personalized service and best response. After each service, we will contact you as a customer and tell you if you are satisfied or if there is room for improvement.
With us you get services with guaranteed best results, with our satisfied guarantee.
We work with ecolabelled products.
We hold the f-tax bill and are VAT registered.
We are insured with up to SEK 10,000,000.
Welcome you as a customer at Green And Clean!
Scholandersgatan 5b
städfirma städning städ Flyttstädning flytstäd billig städ fönsterputs fönsterputsning hemstädning hem städ löpande hemstäd kontor städ kontorsstädning trappstädning trapp städ hushållsnära tjänster billig städning storstädning stor städ kostnad flyttstäd städ göteborg städ hissingen städ Kungälv städ Torslanda.