For sale is a like new condition Medtronic NIM-ECLIPSE IONM 945ECLC Set.
What is Included
2. Medtronic NIM-ECLIPSE IONM Patient Interface Module OPM660 / 945OPM660
3. Power Cord
4. 90 Day Warranty
The Patient Interface Module (PIM), PN OPM660 / 945OPM660, provides the means for connecting the patient to the NIM-ECLIPSE® System. The PIM contains the recording electrode amplifier and electrical stimulator to connect to probes, MEP and TOF electrodes. The Patient Interface Module has inputs for one or two (left and right) pulse oximeters. The PIM accepts recording electrodes from subdermal needle, traditional and No Prep surface electrodes. When No-Prep triple contact surface electrodes are used, the Active Electrodes Preamplifier, PN SPM608 / 945SPM608, must be connected to the Active Electrodes Input connector. Note: When the SPM608 / 945SPM608 Active Electrodes Preamplifier is connected, do not plug additional recording electrodes into the OPM660 / 945OPM660 Patient Interface Module. The PIM connects to the NIM-ECLIPSE® System Controller via a two connector, 20ft cable.
7.5.1 PIM RECORDING ELECTRODE INPUTS Eight numbered and color-coded recording channels are provided grouped in two sets (left and right) of four channels. Electrode inputs of channels one through four are marked with a black outline to indicate left side electrode placement. Channels five through eight are marked with white outline to indicate right side electrode placement. (Mnemonic: white is right). Color-coded electrode leads connect to their respective color-coded channels. Two electrodes per channel are required. Certain tests may require fewer than eight channels.
The Active Electrodes Preamplifier (AEP), PN SPM608 / 945SPM608, allows the use of proprietary, “No Prep” triple contact surface electrodes. The electrodes can be applied to the patient without special skin preparation and yet provide high quality recording. The AEP interfaces to the PIM via a 4 ft cable and connects to the Active Electrodes Input connector. When properly connected, the AEP power on indicator will be illuminated. Eight pods are color-coded and marked with channel numbers. Snap all three contacts of the triple electrode into each of the eight AEP pod receptacles. Remove the plastic backing to expose the electrodes and then apply to the patient. Apply the electrodes such that the two top electrodes are parallel to the muscle belly. If the test protocol uses fewer than eight channels, unused pods may be left open and unconnected. LARYNGEAL ELECTRODE ADAPTER The Laryngeal Electrode Adapter PN LEA300 / 945LEA300 is used with the Active Electrodes Preamplifier to allow connection to laryngeal electrode leads when laryngeal monitoring is used in the procedure. One or two channels of laryngeal monitoring can be accommodated. The LEA300 / 945LEA300 Adapter has a color-coded label to allow left and right channel to be differentiated. Following the monitoring test protocol, snap the LEA300 / 945LEA300 Adapter into the appropriate channel(s) of the Active Electrode Preamplifier pods. Connect the leads of the color-coded Adapter to the corresponding leads of the laryngeal electrodes.
The NIM-ECLIPSE® System provides stimulation suitable for peripheral, direct nerve and transcranial electrical motor evoked potentials (TCeMEP). The stimulators are electrically isolated from the patient and the outputs are protected by both hardware and software fault detectors to insure patient safety. Patient current is displayed for both constant current and constant voltage stimulation modes. The PIM stimulation panel contains the connections for probes, and for transcranial motor evoked potentials (TCeMEP) and train of four (TOF) electrodes. PROBE OUTPUTS These outputs connect to the surgeon-controlled probe and electrified instruments. In both cases, a return electrode must be connected from the Stim Return connector to the patient. The Stim Control and Instrument output polarity is negative (-) and the Stim Return reference polarity is positive (+). The single use surgeon controlled probe with detachable tips allows remote adjustment of the stimulation current and control of the test through the user interface. The probe has two buttons for control, a multicolor LED indicator that provides test and status information and a buzzer for button press audio feedback. The surgeon-controlled probe is presterilized and designed for single use only. A warning message will appear on the display screen if the probe is used twice after an 18-hour period. MEP OUTPUT The MEP output is used to deliver high current, biphasic, transcranial electrical stimulation to elicit motor evoked potentials at selected muscle sites. MEP parameters are defined in Settings > MEP. The MEP output connectors are specially keyed to accept only the MEP electrode. Open the online Setup Help feature to aid in the placement of electrodes. TOF OUTPUT TOF (Train of Four) output is used for peripheral nerve stimulation to evoke a compound motor action potential (CMAP) at the enervated muscle. The TOF test is used as a measure of muscle relaxation to nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockade agents. TOF outputs are polarized. Position the (-) negative patient electrode distal to the recording site.
7.5.4 PULSE OXIMETER The PIM will accept inputs from up to two (left and right) disposable pulse oximeter finger or toe sensors. When the pulse oximeters are used, oxygen saturation information is automatically measured and displayed. Oxygen saturation can be helpful to monitor for low blood flow in extremities due to effects of patient positioning. Connect the pulse oximeter sensors to the left and right input connectors. Manufactured by: Medtronic Xomed, Inc. NIM-ECLIPSE® SD System User’s Manual, Version 3.5.350 In the USA: Distributed by: Medtronic Sofamor Danek USA, Inc. 7-15
7.5.5 PATIENT INTERFACE MODULE SELF-TESTS The PIM recording and electrical stimulator sections are tested for proper operation during start-up. If, for some reason, the PIM fails the self-test procedure an error message will be displayed. In most cases, this error is caused by a faulty connection or an electrical disturbance. When the error message occurs, check the connections or replace the PIM or cable. Click Reconnect to return to the screen. If the problem persists, contact the factory
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