Automatic Machines used to clean black defaced money cell +27787153652 SELLING SUPER MACHINES THAT CLEANS DEFACED BLACK MONEY IN Luxembourg-Qatar-Saudi Arabia-Switzerland-Taiwan-Dubai
We offer machines for large cleaning and also deliver products to any location desired by buyers and we also deliver machines and ssd solution chemicals any where across the world. That is why we strive to supply the best products and services, specifically designed to suit your individual cleaning requirements for black notes. Our objective is to rationalize the number of cleaning products that customers have traditionally been forced to purchase. Black Notes Chemicals products have a point of difference that gives a competitive edge over rival chemical companies. Most of our range of products are Biodegradable, Non Hazardous and user friendly. We supply the latest automatic ssd, universal chemicals, activating powders and specialize in cleaning all types of defaced notes, black notes, anti-breeze, stamped, marked or stained currency. WE ARE MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL TYPES CHEMICALS SUCH AS SSD SOLUTION, ACTIVATING POWDER, PREPARED DE-ICING FLUIDS,TEBI-MANETIC SOLUTION ETC. WE DO CLEANING OF ALL TYPES OF BLACK OR DEFACED MONEY KNOWN AS ANTI-BREEZE BANK NOTES (STAINED MONEY). WE ALSO OFFER AUTOMATIC MACHINES TO DO THE BIG CLEANINGS, AND WE DO DELIVERY OF PRODUCTS TO BUYERS’ DESTINATIONS. ALSO WE DO CHEMICAL MELTING AND RECOVERING OF ALL TYPES OF BAD MONEY FROM BLACK TO IT’S NORMAL COLOR. PLEASE IF YOU HAVE MADE A KIND OF MONEY MAKING BUSINESS THAT YOUR MONEY IS STACKED,WE CAN HELP YOU CLEAN THE MONEY, IF YOU KNOW SOME ONE THAT HIS OR HER MONEY IS STACKED AS WELL WE CAN HELP HIM OR HER CLEAN THE MONEY AND YOU WILL RECEIVE A COMMISSION. OUR LABORATORY STAFF IS AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE ESPECIALLY IN ASIA HEAD BRANCH INDIA, TO TRAIN RESEARCHERS IN ORDER TO CONDUCT SYSTEMATIC AND EFFECTIVE FIELDWORK. FOR FURTHER INQUIRIES PLEASE DO CONTACT OR E-MAIL OUR MIDDLE EAST BRANCH UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. We are one of the fastest growing money cleaning company in the worldwide, and as our company is still growing, we do cater for individuals and small companies, please that some products need special licensing. We specialized in cleaning anti breeze bank notes and stained black money with SSD solution chemical, and our expert team consists of specialist scientists as well as laboratory technicians with well-trained knowledge in as specialized in the field. We now serve in the USA, UAE, UK, Europe, Middle East, North and South Asia just to mentioned a few with over 23 offices worldwide. We lead the industry in cleaning bank stained notes from pink to black dyed currency. Our main line of products and services serve the financial industry as a whole, where our main clients are banks and humanitarian organization individual companies and parties are welcome too. we are one of Southern Africa’s leading SSD Automatic Solution, Vectrol Paste, TTZ Universal Solution, Zuta S4, Castrox Oxide HQ45, SSD Solution PK 58 distributor and manufacturer. The ssd solution in its full range is the BEST CHEMICAL on the market for cleaning Anti breeze bank notes, defaced currency, marked notes and the likes. You will be amazed by the power and rapidity of this CHEMICAL; that is capable of cleaning notes/currency with BREEZE capacity. We Stock limited SSD Solution for cleaning the ANTI-BREEZE BANKNOTE, or the ‘Black Money’. If you have the ‘Black Money’ and your cleaning solution has coagulated or gone hard with time, we can offer replacement at a reasonable charge. S.S.D AUTOMATIC SOLUTION for cleaning defaced currency Anti-breeze bank notes.