The Hade is a home grown brand from Tamil Nadu that found its humble roots in natural skin care and sharing that passion with the world. Created from a place of zeal, and self care, the founders of The Hade understands the vitality of putting only the authentic, the genuine and the un-adulterated on your skin, hair and face. Our name, ‘The Hade’ is a reflection of our making process and is too derived from the word ‘handmade’, to act as an accurate symbol for what our brand stands for.
All of our products are created from a careful selection of natural, approved plant-based, and milk-based ingredients. The ingredients are handpicked to ensure the highest quality and are then sun-dried and hand-pounded. These form the base and essence of each of our skincare products that are concocted from the combinative use of ancient science of Ayurveda and Modern botanicals. These curated nature-made formulae are time-tested in labs to ensure the highest grade of quality and effectiveness of our products. From your resources directly impacting the livelihoods of people to knowing that your product has been specially hand-crafted for you! The Hade, we assure the blend of highest in quality and purity ingredients and methods for the best results.