Bullmastiff puppies looking for there forever homes i am proud to announce Molly and Mack’s first and last litter.. they have produced 6 big healthy puppies 3 male & 3 female they will be ready to leave at now and mom & dad both available to see as family pets .. all pups will leave microchipped + 2 times vet checked + wormed and flea’d + part toilet trained all puppies are playful energetic and very loving puppies with amazing temperaments just like there parents. if interested please don’t hesitate to get in touch for any information . 2 girls left red and pink & 3 boys blue, black and army green available second jab paid for 4 weeks free insurance puppies ready to leave.
For the USA you can call the following number (408) 837-8541 and you will be attended by one of our employees.