I’m looking for a new home for these two very sweet, very cute Dachshund puppies. I’ve developed chronic hives, and it turns out I’m allergic to the bunnies (it was verified by tests done by an allergist). I’ve done everything I can to try to mitigate the allergies, but nothing is working, so it’s time for me to find them a new home. I’m really heartbroken about it, but since I’m having to keep my distance now, I’m not giving them the time or attention they deserve anyway. The black and white bunny (Dobby) is a male lop, he’s friendly- loves to be petted and cuddle, although he prefers not to be picked up- he likes to come to you. He’s got a lot of personality- he’s spunky, funny, curious, and very loving. The gray bunny (Starlie) is a female. She’s shyer and it takes time to gain her trust, but she’s very sweet. She looks just a perfect little pet. They’re both potty trained. Dachshunds are a great pet, they’re much smarter and have more personality than most people realize. However, they require a lot of space, time, attention, and food. They’re not an animal who can just be put in a cage and not take up much room, so I feel a responsibility to them and any potential new owner to make sure that whoever may take them knows how much space and care they require.